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Differences in Reading Styles

































I consider it very important that customers know in advance what type of reading they are getting, along with the many different ways that readings are offered. 

Every reader is different, possessing different skills, unique to themselves, and it is not realistic to expect every reader to offer everything.

This is where I like to point out the difference between myself as a Psychic Healer, and those who are Spirit Mediums. Connecting with loved ones on the other side is not my strong point, that is the job of a Spirit Medium. Tuning into your life, past, present and future, is the job of a Psychic, which a Medium may struggle to offer. 

For this reason, I cannot stress enough that people should check all the details before having a reading, as to avoid disappointment, otherwise it can be very much like expecting a plumber to do the job of an electrician. 


Divination tools are a very important part of many, if not most readings. They are what is used to make the connection to the person having the reading and their energy. Card readers often do not just look at the pictures and explain each generic meaning, but they will give the whole picture of what they see in front of them, which will be unique to that reading only, and can often to be very different to the interpretation of another reader. 


My main tools are my tarot cards and ribbons which have allowed me to deliver many successful readings over the years. There have been some very rare occasions where my methods have been questioned, as in, why does a true psychic need any kind of tool to deliver a reading? Well, this is where we are all different, however, I like to ask this question. If a mechanic was fixing your car, would you question the tools they were using? Would you expect their knowledge and skills to be enough to complete the task with their bare hands? The chances are you would allow them to carry on with whatever tools and methods that they see fit to use, and the end result is all that really matters to you as the paying customer. 


From my own perspective, I like the clients to be proactive during the reading.  Yes, I am being paid to deliver the information, but the odd question here and there does not mean I am cheating, it is simply to confirm that we are on the right track and help us to move on to the next level with more clarity on both sides. When I client speaks and joins in, the energy flows better.

I have experienced very closed down clients who seem to be wanting to test my abilities. There are times when my abilities are enough to impress them quickly and they then open up. There have also been times when I have hit blocks in these circumstances and the client may say, "you're the psychic, you tell me." This brings me back to another analogy of a practical nature. If you called a plumber to your home, would you not want to save time and money by directing them straight to the problem? If you expected their professional expertize to guide them straight to the problem then you would only have yourself to blame for a lot of wasted time and a bigger bill, that could have easily been avoided with a little cooperation at the start. In exactly the same way, a Psychic reading may need a little prompting in the right direction to avoid going all round the houses.


I am not at all keen on the term, Fortune Teller. Although it is rarely used these days, it is still something that can give a false impression of what is being offered in readings. The word "Fortune," alone, is a relative term that means different things to different people. A realistic reading can, of course, highlight and predict wonderful things ahead for people and give them a real incentive to carry on working toward them, but is often not as black and white as that. It is very often down the to person having the reading, to carry on making the necessary effort, and/or take a different approach in order to manifest their desired outcomes. The classic, tall, dark, handsome stranger, is not beyond the realms of possibility, however, sitting back and expecting that person to come knocking at your door is not the most realistic outlook.

If a  reading suggests great wealth and abundance, it will often be meaning that the potential is there to work toward it, not that you can sit back waiting to win the lottery. Believe it or not, I have been asked to predict lottery numbers, to which I always reply, "if it was that easy, do you not think I would have predicted them for myself before now?"

A good example putting the onus back to the client is when a younger person, or the parent of a student asks, "how will I do in my exams?" Or, "what grades will my daughter achieve at college?" This has to be handled delicately as telling them that the reading shows great success ahead, can create a false sense of security and allow the student to feel that they don't need to bother doing anymore work toward their own success. It is far better and more professional to put it across as "great success is there for the taking but continued hard work and dedication is needed to achieve this," as this will keep someone on their toes and avoid complacency. Good news ahead will still require effort to achieve it fully.


I have found that some people can be quiet or nervous during a reading. It may be that they have never had a reading before and they don't know what to do or expect. It can also be, as previously mentioned, that they are not wanting to give too much away. Once again, I encourage them to be as proactive as possible as to allow things to flow better but also to remember that all readings are strictly confidential and delivered without personal opinion and/or judgement. I aim to promote a very relaxed and comfortable atmosphere and do my best to put people at ease. 


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