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Paul's Story

I began as someone who always loved and believed in all things magical and mystical. Stories about witches, wizards, dragons and goblins etc, would always grab my attention, and my imagination. As I got older, I developed a great passion for horror movies and books, but by that, I mean ones of the more traditional nature. Haunted houses, ghosts, poltergeists, the occult and generally things that had the potential to be real. Although I found a lot of it scary, and I would never have dabbled with anything through fear of the consequences, it was a real fascination of mine. 


I was 30 before I took a big step into this world for real. I started attending workshops on the practice of Wicca. It was enlightening and as fascinating as anything I had read in a book, or seen on screen. This led me to follow this path and love everything about it. It didn't feel like I was learning something new, but more like I had come home. It was a great starting point that allowed me to continue growing by myself afterwards. 


It was during these workshops that I was encouraged to explore my psychic abilities, although I strongly believed that I didn't have any. Cards were just attractive pictures to me along with all other divination tools. After a while though, I got the urge to start trying which promptly led me to my first tarot deck. 

I found myself  just "playing" a lot to begin with, as I was just trying to connect with them and was probably waiting for something to jump out and bite me. I felt despondent at times, thinking that I was getting nowhere, but then came my chance to put everything to the test.

I did a reading for a dear friend and it was agreed at the start that it would all be taken with a pinch of salt because I already knew a lot about this friend, plus, I was still, very much, a learner. 

A few days passed before this friend got in touch to say that I had picked up on things that I couldn't possibly have known about and the few days in between had brought about more confirmation.

It was good news in a number of ways, one of them being my sheer amazement that I had delivered such information through a skill that I had doubted so much. 


This gave me the boost of confidence to carry on and every chance I got, I was grabbing people to sit and have a reading from me. 

I gradually developed my use of the coloured ribbons along the way and found myself using both tools in all my readings.


There was  never a point where I felt totally confident, but in due course I wanted to start doing professional readings so I began working on a psychic phone line which helped me to find my feet before moving on to bigger, more popular psychic companies. After a few years of doing that part time, around my healthcare job, I took the plunge and went full time into the psychic industry. I have never looked back with any regrets and have always loved what I do, hence, here I am, flying solo with this new website and looking forward to connecting with you all.


Bright blessings


Paul x

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